Spinal Cord Injury

Till the end of 2016, our department has treated 3311 patients with sequela of spinal cord injury, including 1522 patients with cervical cord injury, 1233 patients with thoracic cord injury (do not include T12-L1), 226patients with both cervical cord and thoracic cord injury, and 330 patients with thoracic and lumbar cord injury (mainly T12-L1). We invented CT-guided intraspinal injection in 2006 and stem cell transplantation via endovascular intervention in 2011 to treat sequela of spinal cord injury, which apparently improved the treatment effect. Since 2011, the improvement rate of patients with sequela of spinal cord injury has reached 97%.

The improvement can be seen from:

1.Increase of muscle strength under the injured surface, better motor function than before.

2.Lower sensory level and enhance perception.

3.Abundance of atrophied muscles, increased limb muscle strength

4.Reduce spasm and abnormal high muscular tension.

5.Reduce neuropathic pain

6.A certain degree of improvement in dysdefecation and urinate disorder which were caused by sphincter disturbances, patients will have better bowls movement than before and can be aware of and control urinating.

7.Improvement in postural hypotension which was caused by damaged vegetative nerve function (especially for high-level spinal cord injury patients), and the body temperature is close to or back to normal.

8.More motor flexibility and abilities.

* Improvements after stem cell treatment vary from patient to patient and we do not make any guarantees.