Name: Aaron

Age: 57 years old

Gender: Male

Nationality: Singapore

Disease: Diabetes

Admission Date: May 2015

Treatment Methods: Interventional therapy + Intravenous injection

In April 2015, he had symptoms of dry mouth, polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia without precipitating factor. He didn’t pay much attention until 1 month later, above symptoms were still existing and deteriorated. His water intake reached to 3000 mL, and he got fatigue much easier than before. He came to General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces for treatment in May. His main medical examinations show: Fasting glucose 16.48 mmol/L, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose 28.16 mmol/L; urine: urine sugar (+), ketones (-), glycosylated hemoglobin 9.0%.

Before Stem Cell Treatment:

  1. Symptoms of thirst, polydipsia, and weight loss;
  2. The fasting blood glucose index is higher than the normal value, up to 15.6 mmol/L; the glycated hemoglobin index is higher than the normal value, up to 10.6%;
  3. Frequently weak.

3 months after Stem Cell Treatment:

  1. The symptoms including dry mouth, polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia are all relieved significantly.
  2. He gained weight for 3 kg. Physical and mental condition is much better than before.
  3. Fasting blood glucose is generally maintained at 5-8 mmol/L, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is within 8-11 mmol/L.
  4. Glycated hemoglobin can be controlled at 6.5%, and urine sugar is negative.