Name: Ms You

Nationality: China

Age: 32 years old

Disease: Knee Pain

Medical history

Mrs. You complained that her knees had been creaky and painful for three years. She has no trauma history, and her condition is not weather-related. She cannot squat by herself nor stand up independently. If her hips are lower than knees in sitting position, her knees will be in pain during standing up. She went to local hospital, and her MRI result shows no abnormality in knees while the blood test indicates no rheumatism. But she always felt knee pain, and her knees were creaky while moving. 

She came to our hospital and was diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, which is suitable for stem cell treatment.  

Therapeutic efficacy after stem cell treatment

Mrs. You come for reexamination 1 month after accepting stem cell transplantation. Her knees are not in pain and seldom creaky now, and she can freely move her knees.