Name: Mrs. Meng

Nationality: China

Age: 57 years old

Disease: Motor neuron diseases

Mrs. Meng is a Chinese 57 years old female patient suffering from motor neuron disease (ALS). Her disease onset is from 2002, she was diagnosed as motor neuron disease in the 3rd hospital of Beijing University. She received 1st round stem cell treatment in our hospital in April, 2006, 4 years after her disease onset.

Her brief medical history and general condition:

She underwent pain of thumb joint during washing clothes by hands and happened to find out her escaping muscle atrophied slightly in 2002. Then she consulted in local hospital and was diagnosed as tenosynovitis, then consulted in another local hospital and was diagnosed as musculospiral nerve damage. Her escaping muscles, big and small thenar muscles atrophied obviously in November, 2004, then she consulted in local hospital to receive EMG, which showed: ventricornu cells disorder but was not given diagnosis and any treatment. Her medical condition was aggravating continuously in October, 2005, the muscle jump was occurred on her left upper limb, she could not lift up her left upper limb or raise any heavy object by her left upper limb, she felt chest distressed and short of breath accompanying with weakness of her left lower limb. The EMG showed: 1. Ventricornu cells disorder; 2. Left median nerve damage and ulnar nerve damage. Then she was diagnosed as motor neuron disease in the 3rd hospital of Beijing University, was given nerve nutrition medication (the detailed medicines name or dosage were not clear.) for over 2 months. Until in February, 2006, her shoulder muscles atrophied and were sore, she could not lift up her left upper limb, the muscle strength of her lower limbs was weak, she could not go upstairs, muscle jump was occurred on her left face and limbs. She consulted in a Shanghai hospital and was offered Riluzoe by oral medication until now (the detailed dosage was not clear.). She said that her chest distress and short of breath were relieved after taking Riluzoe but the weakness of her 4 limbs was still aggravating.

Before the stem cell treatment:

  1. Her shoulder muscles atrophied and were sore, especially the left side, the escaping muscles, the big and small thenar muscles of her both hands atrophied;
  2. Her breath was difficult during lying on back;
  3. Her left hand could not make a fist;
  4. Her left upper limb could not lift up, the muscle strength of her lower limbs was weak, she could not go upstairs;
  5. The muscle jump on her left face and limbs could be checked obviously.

The physical examination before the stem cell treatment:

  1. Her neck was soft, she can straight up her head strongly, her escaping muscles atrophied, big and small thenar muscles atrophied, her shoulder muscles atrophied, especially the left side;
  2. Her speech tone was slurred, the movement degree of her soft palate was normal, her pharyngeal reflex was slow, she turned head and shrugged strongly, her tongue was in the middle of her mouth, her tongue muscles atrophied slightly with trembling tongue;
  3. The muscle strength of her distal left upper limb was 1 grade, the proximal muscle strength was 3 grades; the muscle strength of her distal right upper limb was 4+ grades, the proximal muscle strength was 4 grades, the muscular tension of her right upper limb was normal, the muscular tension of her left upper limb was reduced, occasionally with muscle jump, the tendon hyperreflexia was existed, Hoffman sign (-);
  4. The muscle strength of her left lower limb was 4 grades, the muscle strength of her right lower limb was 4 grade, the muscular tension of her right upper limb was 1 grade, the muscular tension of her left upper limb was reduced, occasionally with muscle jump, tension reflex was existed, Hoffman sign (+), Chaddock’(+), bilateral ankle clonus (-), Kernig’s sign (-), the deep and superficial sensation of her whole body was normal.

During the 1st round stem cell treatment period (after the 4 stem cell implantations):

  1. The pain of her shoulders is disappeared;
  2. She can breathe more easily during lying on back, she can lie on back continuously for 5-6 hours;
  3. Her chest distress after sports is relieved obviously;
  4. She can lift up her left hand higher obviously, her fingers can stretch straight slowly, the muscle strength of her fingers is improved obviously, her left hand is able to assist her right hand to do some simple daily work;
  5. The muscle strength of her lower limbs is improved obviously;
  6. The muscle jump of her whole body is disappeared.

After the 3rd round stem cell treatment:

  1. The movement range of her both hands is increased;
  2. The muscle power and flexibility of her both hands is improved obviously.