Name: Mr. Zhang

Nationality: China

Age: 62 years old

Disease: Motor neuron diseases

Mr. Zhang is a Chinese 62 years old male patient suffering from motor neuron disease (ALS) since 2000, which was diagnosed in Beijing Xuanwu hospital in May, 2005. He was admitted to our hospital for the 1st round stem cell treatment in August, 2005, about 5 years after the disease onset. After the treatment, his deteriorative medical condition was controlled comprehensively and kept in stable. He received the 2nd round stem cell treatment in our hospital for the further consolidate the efficacy in February, 2006, about 6 years after the disease onset.

His brief medical history and general condition:

He underwent pain of his right shoulder without any obvious incentive in 2000, his hand was shaking when writing, his writing speed was slow. He consulted in local hospital and was given spine CT and examination of whole-body bones, then was diagnosed as motor neuron disease but did not receive any treatment. His symptoms were aggravating in 2002. He found that the flexibility of his right hand was poor, there was muscle jump occasionally on his right upper limb, there was local burning pain on the shin of his right lower limb, but he did not receive any treatment. His symptoms were aggravating in November,2004, whilst he felt the ant crawling sense of his right lower limb, weakness of his right lower limb, more slurred speech than before, escaping muscles of his both hands atrophied. He consulted in Beijing Xuanwu hospital in May, 2005, was given EMG, then was diagnosed as motor neuron disease and took Riluzole as oral medication (the detailed dosages were not clear.). He found that his left lower limb was weakness, the motor ability was limited in May, 2005, then he was admitted to our hospital in August, 2005.

Before the stem cell treatment:

  1. There was obvious muscle jump on his face and 4 limbs, it could be seen the distortion of his facial expression (he said that he made faces involuntarily.), which affected his sleep;
  2. His both hands muscles atrophied and were weakness, the fine motor ability of his both hands were poor, he could not write;
  3. His speech was slurred and weak, which affected his daily work seriously (He used to be a famous lawyer in local place.);
  4. His lower limbs were weakness, he could not walk for very long period, he needed other’s assistant during being on upstairs.

The physical examination before the 1st round stem cell treatment:

  1. His escaping muscles atrophied, big and small thenar muscles atrophied;
  2. His speech tone was low, his facial expression was distorted, the movement degree of his soft palate was normal, his pharyngeal reflex was symmetry normal, he turned head and shrugged strongly, his tongue was in the middle of his mouth;
  3. The muscle strength of his left upper limb was 4+ grades, the muscle strength of his right upper limb was 3+ grade; the muscle strength of his left lower limb was 4+ grades, the muscle strength of his right lower limb was 4 grades;
  4. The muscular tension was normal, the tendon reflex was existed, bilateral Hoffman sign (+); the muscle strength of his lower limbs was 4+ grades, the muscular tension was normal, the tendon reflex was normal, biliteral Babinski’s sign (+), Kernig’s sign (-), the pain and temperature sensation of his whole body was normal.

The assistant examination before the stem cell treatment in local hospital showed: ventricornu cells damaged.

After the 1st round stem cell treatment (after 4 stem cell implantations):

  1. His facial expression was normal, the muscle jump was disappeared;
  2. He said that he could feel his right lower limb stronger and relaxed than before;
  3. His speech was clearer than before.

2 months after 1st round stem cell treatment:

  1. The muscle strength of his 4 limbs was improved obviously;
  2. He could write more smoothly;
  3. His speech was much louder, his walking distance was obviously longer;
  4. He had already gone back to his job position.

He received the 2nd round stem cell treatment in February, 2006.

Before the 2nd round stem cell treatment:

  1. During the next 6 months after the 1st round stem cell treatment, his medical condition was stable without obvious aggravation;
  2. He felt pharyngeal foreign body sensation sometimes, could not cough out or swallow down;
  3. The volume of the atrophied escaping muscles of his both hands was obviously harvest;
  4. The fine motor ability of his both hands was better, he could write, use chop sticker to have meals;
  5. The muscle strength of his lower limbs was slightly weak, he felt his lower limbs nervously.

Then he received the 2nd round stem cell treatment for further consolidate the efficacy.

The physical examination before the 2nd round stem cell treatment:

  1. His speech was clear, the movement degree of his soft palate was normal, his pharyngeal reflex was symmetry normal, he turned head and shrugged strongly, his tongue was in the middle of his mouth;
  2. The muscle strength of his distal left upper limb was 4+ grades, the proximal muscle strength was 4+ grades; the muscle strength of his distal right upper limb was 4+ grades, the proximal muscle strength was 4-grades; the muscle strength of his left lower limb was 4+ grades, the muscle strength of his right lower limb was 4 grades;
  3. The muscular tension of his upper limbs was normal, the tendon reflex of his upper limbs was existed, the muscular tension of his lower limbs was 2 grades, the tendon hyperreflexia was existed; biliteral Babinski’s sign (+); the deep and superficial sensation of his whole body was normal.

During the 2nd round stem cell treatment period (after the 4 stem cell implantations):

  1. The foreign body sensation of his pharyngeal was disappeared;
  2. The fine motor ability of his right hand was better, he could write beautiful calligraphy;
  3. The muscle strength of his lower limbs was improved obviously, even better than the condition after 1st round stem cell treatment;
  4. The sensation of his lower limbs was more relaxed than that before the treatment, he could move more flexibly, he could run, jump, squat etc. more easily.

During the 3rd treatment period (after the stem cell implantations) in October, 2006:

  1. The disease progression halts until now;
  2. The foreign body sensation of his pharyngeal is disappeared completely;
  3. The fine motor ability of his hand is more stable and accurate, his writing is much neater.